I love it. While walking along Soho, I noticed these stunning fresh flowers and produce. Each time I visit New York City - Dean & Deluca is always on my mind. ( I can't help it ). I totally support this awesome laid back atmosphere, friendly staff, deliciously fresh sandwiches, and beautiful fresh cut flowers. The awe cannot be denied.
"Everything I loved has the shapes of people around me - the shapes of my husband, the shape of the children," Bourgeois has said. " So when I wanted to represents something I love, I obviously represented a little penis." The little of the work, however, lends it ambiguity.
"There's no way back for me now, I am going to take you on journeys you've never dreamed possible." A.McQueen
I chose to wear something very casual because of the heat in New York city + the line up was insane! this shot was taken around 7am. comfy + Toms shoes, Muubaa light pink leather jacket, H&M shorts and oxford cotton.